Reviews and Ratings For Milton Hospital ::

Milton Hospital

2 Reviews


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92 Highland St
Milton, MA 02186


Number of Beds 110

Walkthrough State NO

Compact State NO

State License Fee $275

License Wait Time n/a

Temporary License n/a

License Website Visit

State Hourly $41.74 (non-traveler)

State Annual $57,840 (non-traveler)

National Hourly $33.23

National Annual $69,110





Studio (Rent)


One Bedroom (Rent)


Two Bedroom (Rent)






Homicides (per 10,000)


Rapes (per 10,000)


Assaults (per 10,000)


Robberies (per 10,000)


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May 20, 2013

by Anonymous

Progressive community hospital

Milton Hospital has now being BID- Milton and has become an exceptional community hospital. The hospital has a very warm and welcoming environment.

November 16, 2012

by Anonymous

Small town hospital where you get to know all the doctors, nurses and auxiliary staff.

Working in the ICU,start your day with a cup of coffee, get a recorded report, assess patients prior to relieving staff. Have a group report. Interpret EKG strips, assess patients, Obtain meds and supplies, care for patients. Round with Doctors on your patients, notify MD of any changes in condition of patients, check orders, make changes to treatment. Update careplan, record vital signs, vent settings, assess IV sites. Administer Medications. Assist MDs with procedures. Assist other staff as needed. Review lab, ABGs and xray reports. The hardest part of the job was when a patient deteriorated and coded. My goal was to be on top of small changes in my patients so I would be able to prevent them from becoming major changes and prevent the patient from deteriorating. The best part of the job was when we had one of our patients return after being discharged home and thanking us for our expert and compassionate care. We had a good comradery and we worked well together. I was part of management but also worked at the bedside so I had experienced the stress of both positions.