Allentown State Hospital
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October 24, 2012 secured unit, 3-11 charge nurse, very active unit,My responsibilities: staff assignments, patient assignments, all documentation and reports for state of PA; patient and staff evaluations/reviews; monthly, weekly and daily. overseer of 36 bed unit, responsible for safety and welfare of all staff and patients. My staff consisted of other RN's , LPN's AND PSYCH AIDES. I was a member of multidisciplinary team...psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, dieticians, COTA'S and physical therapists. Most enjoyment discharge or transfer of in-patients to community or half-way house settings. Hardest part: Limit setting with the patient, required evaluation/watch, visual to 2:1 observations, in event of crisis, working with step level systems to obtain privledges, such as smoke breaks, attending functions in the community or on campus, day passes for the community. |