Best Nursing Specialties In 2017
Best Nursing Specialties In 2017 - Travel Nurse Source Blog

Best Nursing Specialties In 2017

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As you embark on your next travel nursing assignment, it’s important to first take a step back and look at the nursing landscape. While there does seem to be a nursing shortage, it’s still important to know which specialties are in demand and where to find them. Luckily, Travel Nurse Source had the chance to comb through our database, and we’ve pulled some interesting data. We’ve created an infographic displaying some of the best nursing specialties in 2017 as well as some of the ideal destinations for travel nurses. It’s time to take an in-depth look at some of the hottest states and specialties for nurses.

best nursing specialties

Best Nursing Specialties

A Critical Need

When we talk about the best nursing specialties in 2017, what we’re really talking about is what specialties have the most job openings. It’s no secret that a job shortage has affected the nursing industry, but it’s still important to look for specialties that are available. Looking through our data we were able to see that the top three most-needed nursing positions were dealing with serious injuries or ailments. The Surgery wing, the ICU wing, and the ER wing led the way with a combined half of a million jobs available.

This shocking number shows that we’re strongly lacking the nursing support needed in three of the most intensive departments. Shockingly, not even 1% of applications have made their way into our system despite our best nursing specialties predicting a 15% or more job growth in those specialities by 2024. One of the biggest factors that many are facing is simply the stress of the position. Positions in the ICU and ER are some of the most stressful. Dealing with trauma and loss on a daily basis can take a toll on anyone, but it’s still important to remember that these are vital positions in the healthcare industry. It’s also important to remember the salary that many of these nurses will make. On average, the salary of these top 5 specialties are about $80,000, so you’ll be able to pay off those student loans in no time!

nursing specialties

Location, Location, Location

Many travel nurses choose this lifestyle well, for the travel aspect, so it’s no shocker that many nurses are choosing to head out to the warmer states. Florida, California, Arizona, Texas, and Virginia round out our top five destinations for travel nurses.

“People flock to AZ because of the amazing difference in weather. Coming from more Midwestern, Southern and the Eastern Coast they get the chance to experience a completely different climate that lacks the humidity as well as long winters. As beautiful as the changing seasons can be the desert is a beautiful place to visit,” says Nicholas Jimenez, Travel Recruitment Manager at Concentric Healthcare Staffing.

This warm climate leaves many travel nurses in a sunny disposition, and these five states have attracted hundred of thousands of nurses all over the country to enjoy the weather and stellar job. However, it’s always important to consider all other factors before finally deciding on a destination. While the sunny beaches of Florida might seem ideal, make sure that you’re taking the right choice and making the right choice.

Final Thoughts

Our data has broken down the best travel nursing specialties available as well as some of the popular states that travel nurses are settling down in. While this information should be useful to you, it still shouldn’t limit your scope when looking for your next assignment. Travel Nurse Source has thousands of assignments available in a variety of different specialties and states so make sure that explore all options before making your decision. We hope this infographic provided some valuable insight and information into the travel nursing career!

Author: Travel Nurse Source

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